Federal Roth IRA

Part Of The “MyFedRetirementWerks” Group Of Companies

Start Your Proprietary Roth IRA Today Without Any "Set-up" Fees

Hypothetical Case Studies-Assumes Roth IRA Interest Rate Of 4.12%

A $1500 Per Month Disability Insurance Rider Can Be Added At A Nominal Cost

Federal Employee Age 35 • Contributing $200.00 Per Month

YearRoth Annuity ValueInsurance Cash ValueAccumulation ValueDeath Benefit
5$9,582 $360$9,942 $46,996
10$21,240 $1,214 $22,454 $58,654
15$35,423 $2,213 $37,636 $72,837
20$52,679 $3,330 $56,009 $90,093
25$73,674 $4,514 $78,188 $111,088
30$99,217 $5,637 $104,854 $136,631
35$130,295 $7,448 $137,743 $149,001
40$168,105 $9,392 $177,497 $186,811
45$214,106 $11,352 $225,458 $232,812

Federal Employee Age 45 • Contributing $200.00 Per Month

YearRoth Annuity ValueInsurance Cash ValueAccumulation ValueDeath Benefit
5$9,582 $470$10,052 $35,747
10$21,240 $1,326 $22,566 $47,405
15$35,423 $2,241 $37,664 $61,588
20$52,679 $3,128 $55,807 $78,844
25$73,674 $4,507 $78,181 $86,756
30$99,217 $5,987 $105,204 $112,299
35$130,295 $7,480 $137,775 $143,377

Federal Employee Age 55 • Contributing $400.00 Per Month

YearRoth Annuity ValueInsurance Cash ValueAccumulation ValueDeath Benefit
519337$1,001 $20,338 $54,388
1042863$2,409 $45,272 $77,914
1571486$4,503 $75,989 $89,011
20106310$6,751 $113,061 $123,835
25$148,678 $9,018 $157,696 $166,203
Executive Person

The “Case Studies” shown here are based on a composite of various financial services companies who offer Roth IRAs , and not from any particular financial services company.

Federal Benefit Exchange has a network of 440 Advisors who are experts on how to help you implement your own proprietary Roth IRA. By agreement, these advisors do not charge federal employees for any of their consultative services.

We can think of no better way to supplement your federal retirement income,  than utilizing a proprietary, tax-qualified Roth IRA, that not only accumulates significant amounts of money on a tax free basis but also has the added feature of a life insurance death benefit!